Innovation Home
Opening times
See detailed opening hours here.
Please check the current opening hours from the website.
The Innovation Home community is made up of passionate people, their devotion to their business and their desire to help others. Innovation Home is more than just a workspace. It is a place where you can get help and support working alongside Finland’s most formidable entrepreneurs.
Part of an evolving real estate complex and community
For us at Innovation Home, nothing beats delighting Arabia135 companies through our work at the block’s info centre and developing the block’s events and visibility. As a company, it is also important that this has been our path to becoming part of an evolving and interesting real estate complex and community.
Find creative new forms of collaboration
The Arabia135 block offers better opportunities to gain visibility at events that one might not ordinarily be part of, for instance, Arabia’s Street Festival. Here you can find creative new forms of collaboration and projects. On the block, you are part of a larger community and network.
An investment in your company’s future
Our most important task is to help you and your company soar, which is why moving in with us is an investment in your company’s future. If you are seeking an office for yourself or your team or a workstation in an open coworking setting, look no further than Innovation Home. During the pandemic, instead of open spaces we offer private rooms where you can work safely. And if you are also in need of an inspiring and active community, we have that, too!